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What to Look for When Purchasing a Facial Cream

You're not alone if you've ever got stressed when it came to picking out a facial cream. With all these products on the market today, recognizing what your skin truly needs - and what it doesn't - may be tough.

Local Pharmacy Online has a wide range of Facial creams, Skin care products and beauty  with the best prices in the market.

In this post, you'll discover answers to your queries as well as some straightforward advice about what to look for and what to avoid.

 What to Look for When Purchasing a Facial Cream

Q: When is the best time to begin using face cream?

A: Start using face creams in your mid to late twenties. Using one cream during the day and a another one at night is an excellent idea. You should also make sure the product you choose is suitable for your skin type. If you're not sure what is your skin type, a dermatologist can help you with this.

Face cream is important because it keeps your skin soft and hydrated, which can help reduce wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines. Face creams also serve as a barrier between your skin and the environment. Look for non-comedogenic products, which means they won't clog your pores and cause outbreaks.

The effects of day and night creams are distinct. To help with skin healing, you'll need a cream that will penetrate deeper into your skin at night. Protection against the elements is what you need when searching for a day facial cream.


Q: What ingredients should be included in a day cream?

The following components should be found in a lighter day cream:

  • Sunscreen. Look for a long-lasting sunscreen. A sunblock factor (SPF) of 15 or higher is a must.
  • Vitamin C. It brightens, evens out pigmentation, and boosts cell melanin levels to protect the skin from the sun.

It is recommended to use a day cream with SPF throughout the entire year. You don't realize how much sunlight you get through the windows or even when getting in and out of the car until it's too late.

Don't be misled by attractive packaging or a higher price. Store-bought products might also include good elements.


Q: What are the properties that a night cream should have?

A: Night creams need to moisturize, soothe, and revitalize your skin while you sleep.

Look for things with the following characteristics:

  • Fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots are all treated with this anti-aging vitamin A derivative. It has the ability to brighten and level out the tone of your skin. Be aware of the possibility that retinol can cause irritations. Begin with a low dose three times a week and start increasing to a higher amount, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  • Hydroxy acids are divided into two categories: alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acids. These fruit acids, which contain citric and other acids, are great for dull or ashy skin. These acids help the cream to penetrate your skin by gently exfoliating and softening it.
  • Hyaluronic acid. By absorbing moisture and plumping your skin, this chemical helps with fine lines, wrinkles, and skin pigment issues.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant with a lot of potency. This antioxidant moisturizes the skin while also brightening it.
  • Antioxidant that aids in stress reduction.


Q: If you have dry or sensitive skin, what ingredients should you look for in a face cream?

A: It might be tough to choose a product for skin that is easily irritated or prone to dryness.

Look for the following components found on the product labels:

  • These are natural proteins present in the outer layers of the skin that help it maintain moisture while also protecting it from pollutants. Ceramide levels in mature and sensitive skin are reduced.
  • A natural humectant that aids in skin restoration (moisturizer).
  • Lactic acid. An exfoliant that removes dead skin cells from the skin's surface, allowing moisturizers to penetrate deeper into the skin.


Q: Are there any components in a face cream that you should avoid?

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, stay away from oils, waxes, and petrolatum. They're too heavy, and they might block pores and worsen acne (look for the word non-comedogenic on the bottle).

Other ingredients to stay away from are:

  • Perfumes and fragrances They might irritate the skin and induce allergic responses.
  • Retinoic acid is the chemical name for vitamin A. This anti-aging chemical has the potential to cause skin irritation.
  • Methylparabens/parabens. These preservatives in cosmetics might induce allergic responses and clog pores.
  • Salicylic acid. If you have sensitive skin, this exfoliant may irritate you.

Some people are sensitive to plants, nuts, and berries, so all-natural products aren't always a smart option. Pay attention to how you react to these ingredients.


Q: Do you also need to use a facial serum?

A: Serums are less greasy than moisturizers and contain more active ingredients. Serums are gels, lotions, or liquids that are frequently worn under a moisturizer.

Because serums are often highly potent (and can be expensive), it's best to see your dermatologist or a skincare specialist before attempting to use one. He or she can tell you if you'd benefit from a serum based on your skin type and goals.