10 Foods containing Folic Acid and it's benefits
Folic acid, a human-made synthetic alternative of folate, is of vital importance for the body. This vitamin B9 helps the body recover, improves brain health, and significantly reduces the risk of congenital disabilities. Our body is unable to produce folate; therefore, we have to intake it either by supplements or foods. Several foods contain folate to fulfil the deficiency of the body naturally. But it is also available in many fortified foods in the form of folic acid. A brief knowledge of what foods contain folic acid and its benefits will help you overcome the dilemma of folic acid and its usage.
Benefits of Folic Acid
Experts recommend that adults should take 400 µg of folic acid per day to reduce the possibility of deficiency in the body. Intake of folic acid provides the following benefits:
- Folic acid increases the metal's ability to improve its working and health. Various studies reveal that folic acid improves brain health in Alzheimer's patients.
- Folic acid, when used collectively with the anti-depressant medications, relieves the problematic symptoms in depressed patients.
- A review of studies shows that folic acid intake reduces the risk of heart diseases and stroke to a significant level.
- It also helps with varied diseases like diabetes, PCOS in women, and epilepsy in the child by reducing inflammation.
- Last but not least, folic acid increases fetal development and reduces the risk of congenital disabilities in women.
What Foods Contain Folic Acid?
Eggs are the hidden treasury foods of vital nutrients, including folic acid. A single large egg constitutes 22 µg of folates: a sufficient concentration that makes up to 6% of the folates' daily value. Apart from the folates, eggs contain many other nutrients like antioxidants, selenium, protein, Vitamin B12, and many others to fulfil the nutrients requirement of the body. Adding a few servings of eggs to your daily will accomplish the body's needs for folic acid.
Legumes are an excellent source of providing folic acid to the body. The amount of folates varies in each legume, but the primary providers are:
- Lentils
- Beans
- Peas
If you want to fulfil the need for folic acid with just one food, then lentils are the best option. Lentils (one cup/198 gm) contain about 358 µg of folates making up 90% of the daily value of folic acid.
While one cup of cooked kidney beans (177gm) is packed 131 µg of folate, meeting the 33% of the daily value for the folic acid. Legumes also contain many other essential nutrients like protein, potassium, magnesium, fibre, and antioxidants.
Leafy Green Vegetables
Leafy green vegetables, including spinach and kale, are the key booster of the folic acid in the body. These green vegetables are low in calories but contain essential nutrients. Raw spinach (one cup/30 gm) provides 58.2 µg of folates to the body, meeting up to 15% of the daily value. Besides the folates, leafy green vegetable contains vitamin K and A, protein, and fibre. They are found helpful in fighting many diseases like cancer or weight loss.
Asparagus is the folic acid booster for the body and is found to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Cooked asparagus (half cup/90 gm) contains 134 µg of folate, making up 34% of the daily value. In addition to that, asparagus is packed with high fibre concentration to make it heart-healthy.
Beets among the dietary foods provide a sufficient concentration of folic acid to the body. Raw beetroot (single cup/136 gm) constitutes 148 µg of folates, making up 37% of the daily value. Apart from their colour-enhancing characteristics, they fulfil your vitamin and mineral needs throughout the day. Beets are a high source of potassium, manganese, nitrates, and Vitamin C that provides many health benefits. Studies reveal that beetroot is also linked to lowering blood pressure.
Beef Liver
Beef liver is the primary source of providing folic acid among the rest of foods. Just 85 gm serving cooked beef liver contains 212 µg of folate, meeting up to 54% daily value of its requirements. Besides folates, the beef liver makes up the demands of proteins, vitamins, and copper. It is loaded with excellent protein concentration and helps the body in the production of enzymes and hormones.
Citrus Fruits
Apart from the taste and delicious flavour of citrus fruits, they contain a sufficient concentration of folic acid. These fruits include:
- Orange
- Lemon
- Lime
- Grapefruit
One large orange constitutes 55 µg of folates, meeting about 14% of the daily value. Also, citrus fruits are known for the vitamin C content to boost immunity and to prevent many diseases.
Nuts and Seeds
There are a diverse variety of foods that include folic acid besides fruits and vegetables. As the nuts are high in protein content, they also contain enough folic acid concentration. Each nut and seeds vary in its folic acid concentration.
28 grams of walnuts constitutes about 28 µg of folates, while the same amount of flaxseeds contain 24mcg of folate.
Wheat Germ
The embryo of the wheat kernel is known as wheat germ and is most often removed during the milling process. Among its supply of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it has a sufficient concentration of folic acid. Just 28 grams of wheat germs contain 78.7 µg of folic acid, meeting the 22% of your daily value intake. It also contains fibre and relieves the problems of the digestive system.
Avocados are the most popular fruits due to their taste and health benefits. Avocados are an important source of many essential nutrients, including folic acid. About half of raw avocado contains 82 µg of folate, supplying 21% of the daily value needs.
Viridian Folic Acid with DHA
If you are more conscious about the folic acid intake, you can also use synthetic supplements of folic acid besides the foods. Experts recommend Viridian Folic Acid capsules with DHA as the best for pregnant women to reduce the risk of congenital disabilities. It also removes tiredness, boosts the immune system, and keeps the metabolism at an ideal level for the body's normal functioning. You can easily use these capsules to make up for the deficiency of folic acid.
Folate or folic acid is one of the essential nutrients found abundantly in a diverse variety of foods. Knowing what foods contain folic acid, and the best supplements can significantly impact your daily intake. Eating the foods mentioned above, including fruits, vegetables, and fortified foods, will supply vitamins, minerals, and especially folic acid to the body.