What is Emollient Cream and its Benefits
The upper layer of skin acts as a barrier to infections and is mainly comprised of dead cells. However, the epidermis doesn’t contain sufficient water, and hence the skin dries up, resulting in flakes and patches. If the conditions prolong, it may lead to eczema or psoriasis. These conditions explain what emollient cream based on and its role in our skin is.
Emollients contain moisturizing agents like fatty acids or oils to prevent the dryness and itchiness of the skin. These emollients behave like a protective coat for the skin and lock the water in the upper layer of the skin. Thus, they basically hydrate and soothes the skin to reduce the risk of flaring up of skin or diseases like eczema or ichthyosis.
Here you will get a complete guide on the uses, benefits, and types of emollients. So, keep on reading.
Types Of Emollients
There are different types of emollients available in the market, such as:
- Emollient lotions
- Sprays
- Creams
- Ointments
- Soap substitutes
- Leave on products
But the widely used is emollient cream owing to its great benefits. Emollient lotions are not much moisturizing and are suitable for the skin with pus. In comparison, the sprays are for the severely infected skin that you should not touch. Some points make the emollient cream incredibly beneficial for dry skin.
What is Emollient Cream?
Emollient cream contains a balanced mixture of oil and water and tends to seal and trap the water in the epidermis. Emollient creams are mainly used because:
- Emollients creams are not very greasy
- They quickly absorb in the skin
- Creams are lighter and can trap water
- Easily spread on the skin than ointments
- Great moisturization power than lotions
- You can use it more often on days
- Can also be used on nighttime
How to Use Emollient Cream?
Whenever you come to know that your skin is going to dry, you should use the emollient cream. Even you can regularly use the emollients to make the betterment in the skin conditions. How much you should use the emollient cream depends on the severity of the conditions. For dry skin, you can use it 3-4 times a day. While if you have a severe skin problem, then you can increase the frequency of application as per your need.
After taking a bath, gently pat the skin dry before all the water evaporates. Then apply the cream by dabbing and gently rub on the skin. Don’t rub intensively. Perform the action in the downward direction of hair growth. Otherwise, the hair follicles will be blocked and can cause a reaction.
The general rule of thumb is to apply the emollients within three minutes of washing hands or taking baths to lock the water in the skin.
Not only emollient creams are applied for diseases or dry skin. But you can use it for specific activities like gardening or swimming because some irritants can irritate, and the cream will prevent it.
Food and drink can make the hands and feet sore of your baby. It’s a better idea to use the emollient cream before mealtime to protect your baby’s hands and feet.
Benefits of Emollient Cream
Emollients have numerous benefits for the skin. Unfortunately, our lifestyle and nutrition don’t support the necessary conditions for the skin to be healthy. So, supplementing the causes of dryness and infection can be of great importance and benefits. Using emollient creams will provide the following benefits to your skin.
- Trap the Moisture for Healthy Skin
Moisture is a significant supporter of healthy skin. Using harsh soaps, cleansers, and many other environmental factors can reduce the moisture of the skin. Emollients will help to retain the moisture of the skin to make it healthy and shiny.
- Acts as Barrier to Prevent Dryness and Itchiness
The lipids act as grout between the cells of the outer layer of skin. When your cells run out of lipids, the skin becomes dry, itchy, flaky, and sometimes red. Here, emollients perform their function and serve as grout for the cells. They act as a barrier and trap moisture to reduce the itchiness and flakes on the skin. And thus, you can get soft and smooth skin by using emollient creams.
- Helpful in Fighting Skin Diseases
Replenishing the nourishment and moisture can help fight against diseases. A significant population is suffering from diseases like eczema. Using the emollient cream can lessen the intensity of skin conditions. These creams are helpful in the following conditions:
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Contact Dermatitis
- Ichthyosis
Where To Find Best Emollient Cream In UK
You should use the best and trusted emollient cream to avail all the benefits. With 40 years of experience and different shops in the UK, now we have an online shop to deliver the best products to your doorstep. Don’t worry, where you should find emollient cream in the UK. We at Local Pharmacy have the best emollient cream to make your skin healthy and shiny.
E45 Cream 350
E45 emollient cream 350 is a dermatologically recommended non-greasy cream with benefits for skin dryness and diseases. Not only adults but infants over one month can use it. Just pat the wet skin and directly apply the emollient cream by dabbing. It can also help you to get rid of sunburn. Either apply it before sun exposure or after taking a bath, you will get equal and incredible benefits to your skin. Get shiny, soft, and smooth skin with the E45 cream 350.
Emollient creams are effective in fighting flaky and dry skin. They also reduce the intensity of skin diseases. You should get the clinically proven cream and then use it regularly. Use the cream gently, frequently, and carefully to your skin. You will observe how quickly the moisture is retained, and your skin is soft and smooth.
There may be some side effects associated with the use of emollient creams; that’s why careful use is required. If you observe burning or redness, contact your doctor or nurse for consultation.