What are Hush Plugz?
Hush Plugz are foam earplugs which are designed to help to reduce the effects of loud noises on your ears. If you spend a lot of time in places with a high noise level, including building sites, concerts, or sporting events, Hush Plugz can help to protect your ears from loud noise.
How will these earplugs help to protect my ears from hearing loss?
Hush Plugz earplugs expand to fill your ear canal, moulding to the unique shape of your ear. This helps to block loud noise from entering the ear, reducing the decibel level that enters your inner ear and helping to prevent hearing damage.
How to use Hush Plugz.
Roll your Hush Plugz earplugs between your finger, compressing them into a thin cylinder. Pull the outer ear up and away from the head to open the ear canal and insert the earplug into the ear while it is still compressed. Hold the earplug in place with your finger until it expends and fills the ear canal.